Monday, 21 December 2009

Winter Solstice

Dear Gaia,

The perplexing weather you brought us on this solstice brought me humble thoughts and for that I thank you. I braved rain, sleet and snow to buy gifts and share time with loved ones. I turned stress into wonderment through the knowing that there is a bigger plan for this planet besides this festive, jolly time. It is merely a chance in time for us to realise what we hold dearest to us. We ought to do 365 days a year, but if the whole globe can do it for just the month of December, then isn't that a pleasant enough thought?

In the darkened hours of the early evening, carol-singer's voices chimed through the air and it activated my heart's thanks. Looking up at the street lights, snowflakes danced their way down...and through the cold and dampness of the day, joy managed to push through...

...happy winter solstice x

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Let the Fairies in...

(Illustration by John Anster Christian Fitzgerald)

The world of elementals has been knocking gently at my door...first the trees, then the unicorns and now come the little folk that sprinkle fairy dust over plants and flowers to help them grow bountifully and brilliant in their colour...

Fairies, like trees, Pixies, Sprites and all the glorious rest are guardians. They hold the knowledge of nature and carry the essence of it...they all play a part to tend and keep the garden of Gaia.

Look closely between the bushes and you may just see a burst of silvery sparkles...those are Fairies playing and dancing...look out though, they love to play and can be a little mischeivious so should you cross a fairy, make sure you give them thanks for any help they may give you and try not to crush any flowers! They spend hours working away trying to eliminate weeds and revive wilting petals and all they ask is that you show a little love and care to our green friends.

Fairies are excellent at manifesting our desires so if you need a little playfullness in your life or you have your heart set on bringing something into your life, have a little chat with one at the bottom of the garden or where you can be alone amongst nature and ask for them to help you draw whatever you wish to you. Listen out for a squeaky little voice or look out for a glittery dance, don't worry if you don't hear or see them, they will definitely hear you!

I found a wonderful way to encourage them into your life, beautiful hand carved and painted fairy doors that open a portal to their dimension! A range of pretty doors like this one can be found at www.enchanted all shapes and sizes are available, there's even something special for Elves and Gnomes too! I fell in love with a Fairy house and post box to put in your garden...

...magic is at the door; open it and welcome it in.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Number Three: The Kybalion

'The Kybalion' by The Three Initiates is the third book in my recommended reading for enlightenment list.

This book is about the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt & Greece, specifically referring to the works of Hermes Trismetigus (The Thrice Great). There is also some wonder about him being the Greek god Hermes, or Thoth as he was known in Egypt; being a priest or a sage as well as holding godly status.

There are seven Hermetic principles:

- Mentalism
- Correspondence
- Vibration
- Polarity
- Cause & Effect
- Rhythm
- Gender

Wisdom that has been passed on such matters are all rounded off the great idea of 'The All' - every single existence. The All is everything we could ever comprehend in terms of galaxies, dimensions, all possible creatures, celestial beings and the Divine. The All cannot be manipulated and changed nor can anything be greater than it...once you get your head around this, it is the most simple yet most sensible dynamic in which all knowledge is a part of.

With chapters such as 'The Mental Universe' and 'The Divine Paradox', your exploration to thought form and universal truth begins in this simply written slither of a is small but packs a big punch.

Hermetics is a wonderful philosophy that can be moulded spiritually and logically into any universal idea...scientists may disagree of course but when we all contemplate every existence as a mental manifestation, we can see sense in the formations of our universe...even better, what is beyond it and what falls under that which there is no greater - The All.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

To Feel the Love of a Unicorn

Emanating rays of elegance and grace; the unicorn treads softly; its snowy white hair dancing as it moves.

Beaming feminine, gentle pink energy; the nurturer and healer steps forth bravely to meet the one who welcomes such love and the one who can offer it back to the world.

The unicorn can never walk with us on this physical plane, their energy is too strong; their light is too bright. But they roam in forests and bountiful gardens where our dimensions merge and we are in a place in our hearts and minds to see.

They give us courage and strengthen our vision when our intentions are pure and clear. They come in dreams and pictures; they are symbols of magic and fairytale.

For those who see beyond the myth and know that reality is far more stranger than fiction, they are the ones who can seek comfort in the wonderment and joy of meeting that magic; and therefore integrate it into their being.

When we dance the dance of life beyond life in our eternal souls, we leap and play with the spirit of each creation; where the word 'myth' does not exist and the 'impossible' does.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Tree Spirit

I've always found trees to be one of the most magnificent and majestic presences in nature. Admiring Weeping Willows and finding Oak Trees absolutely enchanting, I always had hoped as a child that trees did have bellowing old voices...but what I didn't realise was that if we were able to tune into them, they'd have wonderful wise things to say!

Each tree has a guardian, an elemental just like plants and flowers have Fairies and woods have Nymphs. When a tree emerges from the earth, so does its spirit; a guardian that we do not see in our dimention but a soul that the tree possesses in order for it to do its part for our planet.

Fiona Murray's encounter with tree spirits (written in her book 'Messages From Nature's Guardians') opened my mind up to the idea that perhaps I should seek to spend time with trees. To have an exchange with each one: sit under it for a while and allow its knowledge to be spoken, and return, I'd perform some healing on the tree. Trees have an incredible energy and they help raise the vibration of the planet. The tree that Fiona Murray had communicated with had informed her that each type of tree has a specific healing property. How wonderful to think that we could sit by a particular tree for a particular problem and have them guide us to our healing.

Unfortuately, some trees' spirits struggle to maintain a high energy as they can be depleted by vandalism, neglect and low vibrational areas. Take time to look at some trees when you step out of the house. Those with strong, sturdy and brown tree trunks are healthy and would provide great healing. But if its trunk is chipped away and is almost a grey colour then that tree is in need of help. Send some pink energy to the tree for a while or bright white light. The tree will be grateful that you took the time to aid it in its struggle against polution and poor environmental care.

I am currently looking for more information on trees as I am not particularly equipped with specie knowledge. But the book: 'Listening to Trees' by Thea Holly is a good place to start and there are other titles on this subject that are available at Cygnus Books and at The Green Man Essences shop where tree essences and pieces of wind-felled wood from different trees are also available; these act as talismans or healing tools.

I love the idea of having a genuine natural piece of English Elm Wood or Silver Birch that brings me close to the spirit of its tree and empowers me at the fingertips with the glorious natural healing energy of Mother Earth herself and her beautiful guardians.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

The Elephant of My Heart

'The Elephant of My Heart' is a book about a journey that the author, Jessica Clements embarked upon at the age of nine. It was a very difficult time as she faced a frightening illness.

But in this time, she was greeted by the animal of her heart, her elephant. This elephant that represents the essence, energy and spirit of her heart took her on an adventure to find her other animals; to a place where they all could help her find the strength to heal.

This courageous and beautiful story truly struck warmth in the whole of my body, for it posed the question: what is the animal of my heart?

In times when a little courage, healing or love is needed, we can look into ourselves and greet our animals, who will give us what it is we need to cleanse our energy, rid ourselves of disease and stress.

Jessica Clements now works with people, using simple and relaxing techniques to get them to 'that door' to meet their wonderful and playful companions.

They are always waiting for us on the otherside of that door; we must visit as often as we can.

Not only is this book beautifully written, its imagery and its warm and playful narrative coaxes out that inner child warmth and playfulness in the reader. We reconnect to that child in us that is curious about the world and has the courage to find joy in all that is new to us.

I encourage all to meet their animals, for we live in them and them in us. The love that exists between us is nourishing to the soul in itself. Using Jessica's simple but very effective visualisation methods, we can learn to eliminate stress from our everyday lives in a matter of minutes.

Jessica's website: offers more information about the workshops she holds, her book (which can also be purchased at Amazon), her visualisation CD and anything else you wish to know about her works.

I have had the privilege to meet her and work with her where she enabled myself and my sister, a very dear kindred indeed, to be taken on the very same magical journey she had, to meet our animals. Jessica's energy is full of love and light and these are the tools for her practice. I was elated after meeting my animals and certainly had a shift in my being, like murky energy had been dusted out of my heart...I am very excited to spend more time with Panda, Raccoon, Butterfly and Owl.

Thanks to Jessica and her beautiful and brave story, I too have found a new way to heal.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Celestial Love

When some people think of Angels, they think of perhaps messengers of God that are exclusive to Christianity or the 'voices' of good conscience on the shoulders of characters in movies...when I think of Angels, I think of pure light, absolute love and powerful healing energy.

I find it unfortunate that plenty of people aren't really aware of them or they resist the need to understand them better because of religious barriers. But each one of us has a Guardian Angel. It is up to us how we perceive them but our minds tend to picture them being dressed in delicate white clothing with wings emanating from their shoulder blades. This is of course, how we make sense of them in our mind's eye because of how they have been presented to us in books, films and ornaments etc.

Angels are ascended beings that communicate with us only if we ask them to. They are our guides and our helpers but will not make themselves known to us unless we acknowledge them. I've known my Guardian Angel for roughly nine or ten years now. I asked for a name and I got one, in black block capital letters stamped in my third eye. I said my Angel's name out loud and the resonance in the sound connected like a cord into the core of my soul, as if I'd known it all along.

I am very familiar with her energy, she has been with me this whole lifetime. I refer to her as female because she projects a feminine energy in my presence; but of course Angels have no gender. I can confirm that she is with me with a simple acknowledgement; my fingertips instantly tingle in response.

Amazing results come from inviting our Angels along with us in our daily lives. They can point us in directions we may have missed, or they may convey a message to us in a way that we will recognise it. They never judge and never meddle. They love us purely and entirely, no matter what our vibration or psyche imprint...this idea in itself makes them glorious and unique companions.

It is hard to find a good source of information about Guardian Angels online although mine pointed me to a very good set of oracle cards that are very effective to use to receive messages. Messages from Your Angels: Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue leapt out at me at The Mind, Body & Soul Exhibition and I immediately picked up the display pack to look at the set and my finger marked a random page, when I flipped to read that page, there was an interpretation of my Angel! She urged me to buy them, knowing that this would be one way for me to start communicating with her. Sure enough as soon as I got them home, I did a reading. A sign was given within minutes in answer to my chosen question.

I find some peace and a sense of 'home' when I think of these celestial beings of pure light and love and the more I work with them, the more I know that we are capable of being the same, lightworkers and healers.

They are simply here to help us harmonize our lives and for this thought, we do not need religion to justify the reason.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Number Two: ...and the truth shall set you free

...and the truth shall set you free by David Icke is the next book I recommend on my enlightenment reading list.

This profound and marvellous piece of work is not only bold and daring, but pretty much fool-proof. In this book we are taken on a journey through time; history in the way we think we know it. Then Icke tells us what we don't know, or better yet, what we actually do but never really gave enough thought. The Global Elite or otherwise known as The New World Order, is the focus in his research; showing us just how manipulated we have been by the material world we live in now; blanketing our right-sided brain therefore stunting our natural, spiritual, creative and very capable selves.

You can either take this is as a calculated and somewhat crazy idea, or you can, like me, finally comprehend the material agenda that has taken a hold of mankind for centuries...whatever your opinion, you cannot deny the sheer dedication David Icke has given to his work and research. And while reading it, you will actually struggle to find anything inconsistent or incorrect about his information.

Having said all this, Icke's work is not a fundamental point of my faith or any of my spiritual practice. It is about having a 'wake-up'...paranoia about money, power and mankind I must stress, is not the key to enlightenment. The ability to remove the veil and shift our global conciousness is. To truly know our world and ourselves is to seek truth and light in everything...this book certainly gives us a great start to finding that.

Monday, 5 October 2009

The Mind, Body & Soul Exhibition

On Saturday 3rd, I went to the Mind, Body & Soul Exhibiton at Kensington Olympia; a marketplace of health, well-being, craft and spirituality.

I spent the whole day browsing and soaking in each therapy and way of life. There were lectures every hour that were free to attend and demonstrations up on the main stage. Unfortunately I didn't make it up to the meditation rooms but I did buy a meditation CD called 'Nature Angels', a wonderful flute and acoustic guitar based relaxation album themed around Elementals, Forests and Spring Awakening...the bird song takes me away deep into the countryside where I meet the Flower Faeries, dance with butterflies and talk to the cat seems to love it too. Whenever I put it on, he lays down and falls into a deep, peaceful sleep...

It must have been the theme of the day for me as I also purchased a book by Elemental expert Fiona Murray called 'Messages From Nature's Guardians'; an autobiographical book about how she came to discover her clauraudience (the ability to receive messages from spirits audibly or through thought form) and how she uses it to channel Elemental creatures such as Pixies and Woodland's absolutely magical.

With so many wonderful people to talk to and so much to see, I was overwhelmed. I tried to take it all in, there was so much great energy there that at some points my heart chakra was activated and I felt totally emotional. I met with an amazing medium named Jerold Donington; a spiritual artist that channels your spirit guides, your past lives, your karma or your passed over loved ones but sketches what he connects with, giving you the picture to keep. I had seen him at the Mind, Body & Spirit Festival in Victoria back in May and never had the courage to approach him. I had regretted it ever since but this time I booked a reading with him. It was a wonderful experience, he tuned in by placing his palms under mine; within minutes he was using chalk pastels to draw what he was channeling. I ended up with a beautful message and a meaningful picture that I can't stop looking at...I am eternally grateful to him for the healing connection he made for me.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Autumn Equinox

On Tuesday night, I celebrated the Autumn Equinox with a few of my dearest kindreds. Equinox is when the day and night are equally long, same as Spring Equinox. This is Harvest festival time, a rejoice for nature's bounty...I looked out my window last night and saw the Harvest Moon...did you see it? It was gloriously golden, like orange liquid had been poured into it...

It was my first Equinox celebration with Solara An-Ra and her tribe; it was so dear of them to welcome Jamie and I as they did.

In the most magificent garden you're ever likely to come across in South London, we grabbed musical instruments, sat around a fire pit and made magick and gave thanks and praise to Gaia. Bundles of Sage singed in the fire; causing a hypnotising smoke to dance around us. Affirmations were made to the elements and we gave away to the fire something we no longer wished to possess in ourselves.

As I sat there holding hands with kindreds, a guide of mine stroked my hair and made me feel like I was closer to knowing myself...I may return to my Witchy ways and get the old athame and wand out and invoke the elements and give praise to Goddess, all the while awakening the one within. I'm certainly closer to being able to connect with my guides, I hope they know how much I appreciate the gentle pats on my head and the tingling in my fingers.

Here's a pretty Goddess wheel I found when looking for paintings of goddesses. It's like a calender wheel; you turn it each season according to celebration: Summer Solstice, Spring Equinox etc...I may have to get one, just to remind myself to give thanks to the elements and mother nature.

Autumn leaves begin to fall, they are our old ways. We may kick them to one side or crunch them under our shoes. When the trees are stripped naked, ready to start again, we must aim to do the same...brave the cold and dark and begin growing anew.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Belle & Boo and the Connected Child Within

I've ordered this notebook from Belle & Boo after stumbling across the gorgeous artworks of Mandy Sutcliffe. Belle & her bunny Boo appear in a story board of outside play amongst other adorable characters...

The reason I decided to mention this was the thought that it prompted about children and their awareness of nature, their connnection to imagination and play, their observation of colour, animals and even other beings...not all imaginary friends are imaginary, I'm sure.

Perhaps children see what we really wouldn't like to. We were there once, didn't we sometimes insist to our parents that we were in the presence of something unusual?

I used to lay awake at night and watch the 'moving tv screens' float across my walls, the wardrobe and the door; like ten overhead projectors making animated pictures sail around me. They were transparent too; they would bend and curve in the grooves of my bedroom.

The floating pictures stopped by the time I was ten, roughly the age where we rationalise away our visions as 'make-believe', after our parents have been telling us that earth is dirty and we shouldn't stick our hands in soil, or that we shouldn't play with our baby toys anymore because we're becoming 'big boys and girls' and whenever we think we see something, it's not real.

I had a pet caterpillar once, I named it and claimed it as my passed away two days later but the point is, I was more connected to the earth when I was small. There were things about it that I deemed special and they helped me understand growth and the beauty in everything.

I was sad to grow up without my 'moving tv screens' and it's something I still can't define. I'm not sure what those experiences were and why I experienced them but now I am trying to reconnect as much as possible to what I know as Gaia, and the wonders beyond her...the powers of our higher selves.

And so back to Belle & Boo...'Belle Hugs Boo' was my first print. I have framed it and shall put it up on my wall in the spot where I tend to work on my projects. Not only is it a pleasure to look at, it makes me want to crawl back into my childlike mind; my totally connected and creative self and explore and play.

And to remember what it was like to have absolute love for the things around me; the things I called my own and the things I swore I'd always care about.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Number One: Caduceus

So here we are, the first of the 20 esoteric spiritual books I recommend for enlightening reading.

Caduceus was given to me on my 25th birthday by my most beloved kindred Jamie. My hand buzzed and tingled with energy as I held it in my hands, I knew it carried information I had been seeking.

In the simplest terms, it covers everything! It makes a great reference book to esoteric subjects, it's great for rounding off a general interest in spirituality...I'd even recommend it to an atheist who wishes to know 'what we're all on about'; it has some compelling arguments may I add.

Caduceus is layed out wonderfully, sub categorised areas such as 'Stephen Hawking on God', 'Spiritual texts from the Middle East' and 'Astronomical anomalies in ancient times' are condensed into easy reading but very informative paragraphs. I particularly enjoyed the coverage on all sacred texts: the least tampered with and the most tampered with and the whole chapter dedicated to Science and its theories vs esoteric belief; revealing comments and claims by Darwin and Einstein themselves that were manipulated to make Scientific explanations sound 'concrete'.

Robert Hamilton introduces the reader to the fact that this book was the product of his own Kundalini experience (his awakening) and years of research and therefore concludes the book on the same note, it feels impossible to find any flaws and holes in his well studied discussions.

Caduceus covers only a little of each philosophy, theory, idea and experience but it lead me to think about what I wanted to explore next. You start to recognise what resonates with you, whether it's Taoism or Plato's Atlantis, you know what is right for your own path and where to look next.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Eye of the Centaur

It had been a while since I'd read a book that truly had me clawing for more of the same; a very long time since I had read a book that I was totally emersed in and washed over with thoughts, insights and desire. Then I read Eye of the Centaur by Barbara Hand Clow.

Barbara, astrologer, author and channeler has given us so much from her own experiences and works in the way of seeking enlightenment that I dare not try to review her as an author, I fear I wouldn't be giving her enough credit but what I can say is that after finishing Eye of the Centaur, book one of the trilogy (The Mind Chronicles), with hindsight this was a fundamental piece of reading for my spiritual growth.

This book tells very story-like regressional experiences. You would even be forgiven for forgetting that you are reading about one of her many past lives and thinking that you are in the midst of a gripping fairytale or historical novel. But you cannot deny that your perceptions of your own psyche, your own imprints and layers of your conciousness shift when reading of oracles at Delphi and ancient Egyptian initiation rituals. Our own experiences are there too, just calling out to be remembered.

This text however, isn't a glory journal of what great names Barbara can say she lived amongst or what authority she had in exciting times, nor should past life readings ever been seen this way. It is an intergration of her past life memories and her purpose now, an awakening to the reasons she knows of them now in this lifetime and a reflection on how it connects her to her higher self.

I have always wanted a regression and have done some dabbling in past life readings, all the while learning to trust my psyche to bring forward the memories; remembering never to rationalise away anything my mind gives me to the simple explanation of imagination. Imagination is a powerful thing but soul memory is far greater. After reading this book, the excitement is still vibrating within, I cannot wait for a full regressional session with a therapist...I truly wish to know myself and understand my eternal now, a guide to help me shape this lifetime for its higher purpose.

Anyone who wishes to expand their esoteric and spiritual reading must add this to the fact, I shall post up 20 books that I think are not only fantastic reads, but important texts for spiritual growth.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009


I am approaching the end of my distance learning course in Herbalism and I am halfway to being qualified to's something about a bunch of fragrant leaves and flowers that stirs enthusiasm in me about the goodness our Mother Earth has grown for us.

Chamomile for an upset stomach, Lavender for insomnia, Coriander for colic, Peppermint for nausea and Rosemary for headaches...if only we thought of the natural remedies we have laying around the house first for such ailments before reaching for painkillers and necking down a chemical solution.

Planting herbs in the garden is not only an excellent way of grounding yourself and connecting with nature, its cost effective and soul enriching; such staisfaction comes from plucking a bit of Basil for your dinner that night, or keeping a pot of it in the kitchen to attract deserved success into your home. If you don't have a garden, then indoor herb garden kits are available.

For me, it started with drinking Chamomile at night to help me get a good nights' sleep before waking up to be at work by 7:30 in the morning...I found it worked and with a tea spoon of honey, it was pleasant to drink and a nice change from tea. Then I moved onto Nettle for energy and Fennel for digestion, the interest grew from there and I learned about topical remedies, poultices and herbal pillows; even the use of them in skincare made absolute sense and I was able to advise friends and family about herbal teas and ointments...each came back with great feedback on the remedy.

So here I am about to take my Certificate level exam and next I shall be onto Practitioner Diploma...along with Physiology & Anatomy and Colour Therapy...oh I want to do them all! The more I learn, the more I can spread the love and light I reckon!

BSY Group do fantastic esoteric, spiritual and complimentary therapy courses so do take a look; you won't know which to do first!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Colouring Through

Writing. An old flame of mine that I met when I was ten years old. I thought we had drifted apart...for years we fought and I walked away far too many times. I tried to carry on without it but couldn't imagine what I'd do in life if it wasn't there to keep me hoping.

So I've made a stronger commitment and decided to rekindle the love. I have to get it back. We are meant to be...

'I See it All in Rainbows' is the title of my book in progress; a collection of poems about spirituality, colours, psychadellic visions and soulful's one as a preview:

Fresh in bloom
For you
Like flowers we are
Colouring Through.

Upon your bed we lay
Hoping to be pretty
Until the spotlight has moved.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

The Misty Light of Healing

Today I felt marvellously pleased after performing a healing on a very stressed cat. He was malting copiously and looked up at me, longing for a fuss. I sensed he wasn't very happy and comfortable so I sat on the floor next to him; he rolled over, showed me his belly and told me that he wanted some love and a treatment for his physical condition.

I am no reiki expert; I didn't even have this method in mind when I stimulated my palm chakras by rubbing my hands together; he seemed to ask me to do it. I worked my way down his body; my fingers tingled and my palms heated up. He seemed so pleased for the attention and stayed still as if he was locked in the same focus that I was; we meditated together and my hands worked on the base of his tail where a suspicious lump seems to have appeared. My palms began to burn then; the power surge in my fingers was getting felt right to call upon Angels...I asked them to be with him, to help him for his highest good; if anything just to keep him company and be there with him...if they could soothe him that would make him very happy indeed.

I was dizzy from energy drainage. My palms pulsated for roughly twenty minutes after and when this beautiful male cat sat up, he gazed at a corner of the wall just above him. Down came this streak of misty light, two of them in fact.

We gazed at them together, the energy in this mist vibrated rapidly. Peace washed over me and the cat himself I believe...because afterwards his eyes brightened and he meowed at me in gratitude. The air in the room relaxed and so did he...I thanked the Angels for being there for him as I had asked...I knew that I had done the right thing for him.

What an honour to spend such a special moment with a cat, my familiar, my kindred.

Friday, 3 July 2009

The New Moonchild Garden

I have been busying myself the past week with making fresh new candles and oil blends for The Moonchild Garden. I have granted it a revamp and I am now pleased to inform customers that I now make soy wax wood-wick container candles; the wood-wick crackles like a campfire...isn't that lovely for those of us who can't access one?

A fresh new shop is appearing very soon on The Moonchild Garden's very own website with details on all blends. A link will certainly follow soon.

There will be an alchemy section of the site so you can order your individual blend; I'll make it, beautify it and send it just for you!

I'm thinking of calling this one 'St. Clements'; as you've probably guessed, it smells of oranges and lemons!

A cheery zesty fragrance made just for rejuvenation, brightness and motivation...there's plenty more sprouting in the Garden...make sure to come and see...

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Infinite Ball of light

This painting was done by my most beloved kindred, Jamie. We were taken by the idea of painting mandalas, the Eastern talismans of healing; symbols that project the power of the self.

Mandalas are traditionally geometric in shape and patterned with particular colours that reflect the self and the healing colours required for the individual.

This painting is an expression, not a mandala in its traditional form, but I look at it and it heals my soul in its own little way. The yellow ball churns in the core of me, like my solar plexus chakra; it spirals into oranges and reds.

Tones of solar colours; the element of fire; the significance of light reminds me to embrace my solar energy, that eternal flame that I need paired with my lunar energy to restore my balance.

Orange gives us confidence and creativity, a dose of red brings us passion and the brightness of yellow stimulates our sense of self-worth and empowerment.

As I look at this painting, not only does it bring me great joy and pride to know that my love expressed such beauty in colour but it also reminds me of that solar power that I must remember to absorb and store within.

In grey-washed times, through crying window panes, it is important to hold onto that infinite ball of light...

Monday, 1 June 2009


The Goddess Oracle is a stunning deck of divination cards that are ilustrated and interpreted with goddesses from all pantheons and cultures. This beautiful illustration is of Sulis, the Ancient British Sun goddess of illness/wellness. She represents healing and has a shrine in Bath, England.

Sulis says that when we are in a time of illness, it is time to direct energy inward, when we are in a time of wellness we must project it out.

This deck of cards comes with a book that gives the meaning to each card along with a lovely poem for each goddess as well as the mythology and meditation that corresponds to the deity.

The Sulis meditation is so comforting and full of beautiful imagery. It takes you deep into the root of a tree, along a stone path with plants on either side. You follow the light and meet Sulis at the other end and she takes you to her healing bath where you emerge yourself in the water where you feel refreshed, invigorated and recharged.

All meditations in The Goddess Oracle cards guide you into a space and time where you can mend whatever it is that is blocking your fruitful path.

Seek strength from the ancient deities and embrace your inner goddess.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Colour Me Happy

How to Heal with Color by American author Ted Andrews, provided me with great insight into the various ways in which we can use colour to highten our vibrations, to balance our moods and open up creativity as well as other numerous therapeutic activities to heal our bodies and minds.

By meditation, temperature rising and lowering, colour breathing and mandala colouring, we stimulate our energy centres, which one could also refer to as the chakras, therefore activating our highest charge through the wonderous properties of light! In fact, this therapy is so vibrant and invorgorating, there is simply no reason why it wouldn't have a positive effect; it truly is a complimentary therapy that doesn't get enough attention. Colours of the Soul is an excellent website to find out more and I am delving deeper into this maginificent therapy and practice to further my own experiences and developments to become a practitioner. I took this mini colour test provided by Colours of the Soul and the reading was certainly spot on as it simply confirmed my own thoughts about my new spiritual pursuits. Have a go...embrace the colour in your life...

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Primate, Tibetan Monk, Tribal Hunter, Greek Philosopher...I do not speak of the past but of the eternal now...the eternal soul of us all that cycles through what we know as evolution.

Awakening Far Memory, a delightful set of cards that one cannot put a price on for its ability to aid us in unlocking memories of our everlong conciousness. A regression reading kick starts the path to erasing century-old imprints on the psyche...amazing what we come to discover about ourselves that have always been - all apart from this protective casing that we call our body.

This is not fortune telling. This isn't a 'what could have been'. It is a nudge to recollect past lives; memories that have been scarred by the trauma of death and even birth that has caused us to forget it all.

I've had wonderful reflections over the past week that have made me see, feel and hear...clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience...whatever you wish to call these gifts that every one of us has...we have the ability to piece it all together to enable us to remember it all in the next life.

I have recently experienced this joy of remembering and reflection with my closest kindreds and all I can say about this phenomenal practice is: what a joy to know what our conciousness has stored for us during this space and time and what excitement it gives to think of what we can hold onto for our future journey.

-a spark has ignited and this is just the beginning to my personal pursuit of knowledge.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

The Etheral Body

My mind throbs after taking in so much overwhelming information about Astral Projection. I have just finished reading The Enigma of Out-of-Body Travel by Susy Smith; a second hand book given to me as a gift by my beloved.

This book delivers incredible encounters from expert projecters to the most sceptical of people, all who have experienced a time when their etheral body left their physical one. It is a subject which has fascinated me since my teen years and having recaptured the interest, I feel a pull towards it.

Personal experiences of loved ones have been shared with me and how lucky I am to say that I know this amazing ability is accessible...thought and control are the driving forces of this practice and the rewards of this can only be release and joy; your soul travelling through your home, a new city, the universe; obtaining knowledge on your adventures...all we can ask of ourselves is to return to our peaceful armour that lays still where it was left for caution is to be taken when attempting Astral Projection. Like a car left running without the driver, the engine will eventually cut out. But isn't it only fair that we show our etheral body the world and beyond as it is sealed in our physical vehicles for lifetimes? Of course there are other ways for us to wander onto other planes...this is just a glimpse.

-Travel safe.

Monday, 20 April 2009


She is bound to neither and free of none
Held by the sky; dangles from a star.

A toe kept on the Moon; a fingertip kept
on Earth's ground.

Her eyes weighty, like clouds before
waters break.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Waning and Waxing

As Lady Moon hides in her time of waning, I am using this time of Aries to take a plunge in my projects; putting the pro-active, head-on nature of the Ram to make candles.

I have been blending natural soy wax with healing oils, re-juvenating oils and grounding oils to make personalised recipes for the needs of close individuals; and yet that won't be all. As we move into my sign of Taurus, I will be channelling my bull vibrations into charging ahead with creativity to make plenty of new blends. These solid pillars will be looking for homes to burn their bright beams of love and lunar light to those who desire to receive them.

For now, they are happily residing with me in The Moonchild you there?

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Together We Bind

On the stroke of midnight, spirits gather as witnesses to a Handfasting...focus is on love and commitment...hands tightly held.

A glass of red wine for both to drink from...a bunch of roses as an offering to Goddess...two scrolls to exhange, with special words inked on each page.

A ceremony taken place for two souls to confirm their bond, share their feelings and to take an oath to walk lifetimes together. A ritual performed under the waxing moon in the time of Virgo...the hand ticks past 12 and there is no looking back to the past with uncertainty...only looking forward with hands clasped, hearts open and a promise made between two kindreds to walk on without doubt of harmony and peace.

A year and a day until Goddess can renew the blessing.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

The Chariot

Amongst years of dabbling in Tarot, I have come across various sets owned by friends and have always been intrigued by each. I myself have always held The Mythic Tarot close to my heart as it ignites the affinity that I have with Greek Mythology. I read my big sister's Greek Myth book religiously as an adoloscent and noted particular Gods and Goddesses that I seemed to take a liking to the most. My name is of Greek origin and means 'crown' and I have been told by many mediums that a particular Greek spirit seems to guide me often. But what does this all mean and where do I begin to unpick these Ancient Greek associations?

Well I am making it part of my journey to seek this - the first step was having a friend work out which Tarot card represented me; a calculation he did based upon my date of birth. This exercise can be found in Aleister Crowley's The Book of Thoth. Turns out, my triumph number is 7. According to esoteric texts, 7 is the number of earthly and divine harmony. However, with The Chariot card this doesn't seem like an easy goal to achieve. It speaks of a battle that one must face along this path to achieving victory. This idea seems to apply to everyone, not just me. But what I do find interesting is that Ares the Greek war God is represented in my Mythic deck. Upon this realisation, a strange feeling twinged in my solar plexus - I've encountered him before. As a teenager, I sought him as a figure of protection and not as a Deity of bloodlust as many will describe him.

I went to the British Museum today; a place I hadn't visited since an excursion with my sister roughly 13 years ago. I tried to find my good friend Ares but to no avail; perhaps this was due to lack of time and poor navigation. I shall go back again and find him; maybe at the museum, maybe somewhere else.

Is this all too serendipitous? If so, how do I understand this? When we have these waves of 'recognition' or just a gut feeling that there is a link on our current path that perhaps goes back lifetimes, what do we do with this knowledge?

When I see Ares, I'll ask.

Saturday, 28 March 2009


After posing in this peaceful stance with my kindred Emma, I realised that I could do with a good meditation but we all seem to think that we just don't have the time. Shame on us. The hour that we spend on Facebook or the half an hour we spend watching a TV sitcom we could be attuning ourselves...balancing our chakras...calming the mind...making our bodies a grounded haven of pure energy so that we may progress in our daily routine with peace and restoration.

Me personally, I make it up as I go along, whether it's visualising a great white light coursing through my body or mentally walking myself into a place of serenity. Some have their 'happy places' all figured out and can go there whenever they feel out of sorts.

So I'm making it a must for this new astrological year to meditate as often as possible...I believe that a 15 minute meditation session will be just as good as a short holiday - which I just cannot afford anyway. And with stresses like making it through airport checks and hauling luggage, all that peace you may have installed zaps away as soon as you get off the plane.

Travel's better for the soul.

Here's a good place to start if you're not sure how to begin:

Visit the mediation rooms for quick techniques that will suit your schedule, or browse their shop for books and cds to help you create your sacred space.


The Moonchild Garden

On a silvery night I took a trip to the Moon and asked my Lunar Goddess how I could embrace her energy...

...she told me to channel my love and light into oil blends and candles and allow the powers of nature to heal and bring joy to fellow kindreds...

...and so The Moonchild Garden was born.

I use soy wax and pure essential oils to make aromatherapy pillar candles and organic base and essential oils to make special aromatherapy potions. Not only are these kind to the nose, they work deeply on our minds completely dependent on how we are feeling or how we want to feel.

To achieve greater results from my creations, I attune with the Moon and she tells me when the time is right.

My products are available at:

I ship my blends and potions everywhere; Lunar likes to send her light to the whole world...

I shall be spending plenty of time with her over the next month or so to make plenty more treats and a website including a full product list shall follow.

- With love and lunar light