Saturday, 12 December 2009

Let the Fairies in...

(Illustration by John Anster Christian Fitzgerald)

The world of elementals has been knocking gently at my door...first the trees, then the unicorns and now come the little folk that sprinkle fairy dust over plants and flowers to help them grow bountifully and brilliant in their colour...

Fairies, like trees, Pixies, Sprites and all the glorious rest are guardians. They hold the knowledge of nature and carry the essence of it...they all play a part to tend and keep the garden of Gaia.

Look closely between the bushes and you may just see a burst of silvery sparkles...those are Fairies playing and dancing...look out though, they love to play and can be a little mischeivious so should you cross a fairy, make sure you give them thanks for any help they may give you and try not to crush any flowers! They spend hours working away trying to eliminate weeds and revive wilting petals and all they ask is that you show a little love and care to our green friends.

Fairies are excellent at manifesting our desires so if you need a little playfullness in your life or you have your heart set on bringing something into your life, have a little chat with one at the bottom of the garden or where you can be alone amongst nature and ask for them to help you draw whatever you wish to you. Listen out for a squeaky little voice or look out for a glittery dance, don't worry if you don't hear or see them, they will definitely hear you!

I found a wonderful way to encourage them into your life, beautiful hand carved and painted fairy doors that open a portal to their dimension! A range of pretty doors like this one can be found at www.enchanted all shapes and sizes are available, there's even something special for Elves and Gnomes too! I fell in love with a Fairy house and post box to put in your garden...

...magic is at the door; open it and welcome it in.

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