Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Primate, Tibetan Monk, Tribal Hunter, Greek Philosopher...I do not speak of the past but of the eternal now...the eternal soul of us all that cycles through what we know as evolution.

Awakening Far Memory, a delightful set of cards that one cannot put a price on for its ability to aid us in unlocking memories of our everlong conciousness. A regression reading kick starts the path to erasing century-old imprints on the psyche...amazing what we come to discover about ourselves that have always been - all apart from this protective casing that we call our body.

This is not fortune telling. This isn't a 'what could have been'. It is a nudge to recollect past lives; memories that have been scarred by the trauma of death and even birth that has caused us to forget it all.

I've had wonderful reflections over the past week that have made me see, feel and hear...clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience...whatever you wish to call these gifts that every one of us has...we have the ability to piece it all together to enable us to remember it all in the next life.

I have recently experienced this joy of remembering and reflection with my closest kindreds and all I can say about this phenomenal practice is: what a joy to know what our conciousness has stored for us during this space and time and what excitement it gives to think of what we can hold onto for our future journey.

-a spark has ignited and this is just the beginning to my personal pursuit of knowledge.

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