Wednesday 18 November 2009

To Feel the Love of a Unicorn

Emanating rays of elegance and grace; the unicorn treads softly; its snowy white hair dancing as it moves.

Beaming feminine, gentle pink energy; the nurturer and healer steps forth bravely to meet the one who welcomes such love and the one who can offer it back to the world.

The unicorn can never walk with us on this physical plane, their energy is too strong; their light is too bright. But they roam in forests and bountiful gardens where our dimensions merge and we are in a place in our hearts and minds to see.

They give us courage and strengthen our vision when our intentions are pure and clear. They come in dreams and pictures; they are symbols of magic and fairytale.

For those who see beyond the myth and know that reality is far more stranger than fiction, they are the ones who can seek comfort in the wonderment and joy of meeting that magic; and therefore integrate it into their being.

When we dance the dance of life beyond life in our eternal souls, we leap and play with the spirit of each creation; where the word 'myth' does not exist and the 'impossible' does.

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