Thursday, 23 July 2009

Colouring Through

Writing. An old flame of mine that I met when I was ten years old. I thought we had drifted apart...for years we fought and I walked away far too many times. I tried to carry on without it but couldn't imagine what I'd do in life if it wasn't there to keep me hoping.

So I've made a stronger commitment and decided to rekindle the love. I have to get it back. We are meant to be...

'I See it All in Rainbows' is the title of my book in progress; a collection of poems about spirituality, colours, psychadellic visions and soulful's one as a preview:

Fresh in bloom
For you
Like flowers we are
Colouring Through.

Upon your bed we lay
Hoping to be pretty
Until the spotlight has moved.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

The Misty Light of Healing

Today I felt marvellously pleased after performing a healing on a very stressed cat. He was malting copiously and looked up at me, longing for a fuss. I sensed he wasn't very happy and comfortable so I sat on the floor next to him; he rolled over, showed me his belly and told me that he wanted some love and a treatment for his physical condition.

I am no reiki expert; I didn't even have this method in mind when I stimulated my palm chakras by rubbing my hands together; he seemed to ask me to do it. I worked my way down his body; my fingers tingled and my palms heated up. He seemed so pleased for the attention and stayed still as if he was locked in the same focus that I was; we meditated together and my hands worked on the base of his tail where a suspicious lump seems to have appeared. My palms began to burn then; the power surge in my fingers was getting felt right to call upon Angels...I asked them to be with him, to help him for his highest good; if anything just to keep him company and be there with him...if they could soothe him that would make him very happy indeed.

I was dizzy from energy drainage. My palms pulsated for roughly twenty minutes after and when this beautiful male cat sat up, he gazed at a corner of the wall just above him. Down came this streak of misty light, two of them in fact.

We gazed at them together, the energy in this mist vibrated rapidly. Peace washed over me and the cat himself I believe...because afterwards his eyes brightened and he meowed at me in gratitude. The air in the room relaxed and so did he...I thanked the Angels for being there for him as I had asked...I knew that I had done the right thing for him.

What an honour to spend such a special moment with a cat, my familiar, my kindred.

Friday, 3 July 2009

The New Moonchild Garden

I have been busying myself the past week with making fresh new candles and oil blends for The Moonchild Garden. I have granted it a revamp and I am now pleased to inform customers that I now make soy wax wood-wick container candles; the wood-wick crackles like a campfire...isn't that lovely for those of us who can't access one?

A fresh new shop is appearing very soon on The Moonchild Garden's very own website with details on all blends. A link will certainly follow soon.

There will be an alchemy section of the site so you can order your individual blend; I'll make it, beautify it and send it just for you!

I'm thinking of calling this one 'St. Clements'; as you've probably guessed, it smells of oranges and lemons!

A cheery zesty fragrance made just for rejuvenation, brightness and motivation...there's plenty more sprouting in the Garden...make sure to come and see...