Tuesday, 21 April 2009

The Etheral Body

My mind throbs after taking in so much overwhelming information about Astral Projection. I have just finished reading The Enigma of Out-of-Body Travel by Susy Smith; a second hand book given to me as a gift by my beloved.

This book delivers incredible encounters from expert projecters to the most sceptical of people, all who have experienced a time when their etheral body left their physical one. It is a subject which has fascinated me since my teen years and having recaptured the interest, I feel a pull towards it.

Personal experiences of loved ones have been shared with me and how lucky I am to say that I know this amazing ability is accessible...thought and control are the driving forces of this practice and the rewards of this can only be release and joy; your soul travelling through your home, a new city, the universe; obtaining knowledge on your adventures...all we can ask of ourselves is to return to our peaceful armour that lays still where it was left for caution is to be taken when attempting Astral Projection. Like a car left running without the driver, the engine will eventually cut out. But isn't it only fair that we show our etheral body the world and beyond as it is sealed in our physical vehicles for lifetimes? Of course there are other ways for us to wander onto other planes...this is just a glimpse.

-Travel safe.

Monday, 20 April 2009


She is bound to neither and free of none
Held by the sky; dangles from a star.

A toe kept on the Moon; a fingertip kept
on Earth's ground.

Her eyes weighty, like clouds before
waters break.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Waning and Waxing

As Lady Moon hides in her time of waning, I am using this time of Aries to take a plunge in my projects; putting the pro-active, head-on nature of the Ram to make candles.

I have been blending natural soy wax with healing oils, re-juvenating oils and grounding oils to make personalised recipes for the needs of close individuals; and yet that won't be all. As we move into my sign of Taurus, I will be channelling my bull vibrations into charging ahead with creativity to make plenty of new blends. These solid pillars will be looking for homes to burn their bright beams of love and lunar light to those who desire to receive them.

For now, they are happily residing with me in The Moonchild Garden...meet you there?

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Together We Bind

On the stroke of midnight, spirits gather as witnesses to a Handfasting...focus is on love and commitment...hands tightly held.

A glass of red wine for both to drink from...a bunch of roses as an offering to Goddess...two scrolls to exhange, with special words inked on each page.

A ceremony taken place for two souls to confirm their bond, share their feelings and to take an oath to walk lifetimes together. A ritual performed under the waxing moon in the time of Virgo...the hand ticks past 12 and there is no looking back to the past with uncertainty...only looking forward with hands clasped, hearts open and a promise made between two kindreds to walk on without doubt of harmony and peace.

A year and a day until Goddess can renew the blessing.